TubeDriver wrote:
Hey David, getting Holo May KTE.
The level 3 Holo Spring replaced internal copper wiring with silver wire. Also a couple caps were upgraded. These mods you could easily do yourself. But I think the LVL 3 had a silver wire main PT while my LVL 1 is copper wire PT. Pretty minimal changes overall except for the main PT.
A silver PT is, ahem, gilding the lily. (at least it is not a GOLD wired transformer).
I did get the Qutest, and very much enjoying it, so unfortunately not currently in the market for a more or less lateral move, but is sounds like a great unit for someone looking to step up to nice DAC at a great price, with some DIY possibilities in the upgrades. If I didn't have the Qutest, I would probably jump on this.
Best of luck finding a new home for the DAC, it should make someone happy.