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Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 1:18 pm


Why do you compare Biden with Trump. Why cant we evaluate each candidate on his own merits?

When you say, "Biden's speeches are coherent", you lost me. Sure, Biden's teleprompter readouts are coherent. Those were not his words, not his ideas or his thoughts. Listen to him speak for 5 minutes without a teleprompter.

If you dont see that his is already has dementia, you have to ask yourself, would you vote for Biden if he was a Republican Candidate? I bet not. What I read from your post is, you are following party edicts. Thats fine. I dont play the party politics. I am an independent who voted for Democrat presidential candidates until 2008 (Obama's first election). When I say how much damage Obama is causing to the nation, I could not vote for him in the second term. Tomorrow, if Democrats put up a worthy candidate, I will vote for him/her. I care more about the nation, dont give a dam about Democrats or Republicans.

Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 1:21 pm

Jim G wrote::-) Nice try changing the conversation Shashi.

Here's an official statement from the White House press secretary yesterday, conveying the current President's thoughts about Covid.
...“When he says open, he means open and full, kids being able to attend each and every day at their school,” she said. “The science should not stand in the way of this.”

We're back up to 1000 deaths a day, not to mention the long term, possibly permanent damage they're just starting to learn about. Your hero Reagan put his head in the sand the same way during the AIDS epidemic. That's what I remember him for.

Jim, you are victim. A victim of Washington Post's propaganda effort.
Try watching that statement in its full on YouTube and post again.
PS: I am not going to link it here. Anyone interested in truth should be able to do their own research.

Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 2:07 pm

Cogito wrote:David,

Why do you compare Biden with Trump. Why cant we evaluate each candidate on his own merits?

When you say, "Biden's speeches are coherent", you lost me. Sure, Biden's teleprompter readouts are coherent. Those were not his words, not his ideas or his thoughts. Listen to him speak for 5 minutes without a teleprompter.

If you dont see that his is already has dementia, you have to ask yourself, would you vote for Biden if he was a Republican Candidate? I bet not. What I read from your post is, you are following party edicts. Thats fine. I dont play the party politics. I am an independent who voted for Democrat presidential candidates until 2008 (Obama's first election). When I say how much damage Obama is causing to the nation, I could not vote for him in the second term. Tomorrow, if Democrats put up a worthy candidate, I will vote for him/her. I care more about the nation, dont give a dam about Democrats or Republicans.


The choice is binary. You brought up Biden's "dementia" as the criteria for selection. I am pointing out the same for Trump, based on his family history and demonstrated performance. I am faced with two candidates that in all honestly are really too old to be president, both having aging and potential health issues that impact their mental acuity and ability to perform in office. Biden represents my values and the direction I want for the country, Trump most vehemently does not. Period. I am decided and not subject to change, the issue is fundamental. I feel confident that if Biden shows increasing cognitive problems in office, he and his advisors will do the right thing and transition to his successor, either by voluntary resignation or by the 25th amendment if involuntarily incapacitated. I have no such hope for Trump, since he has been very effective so far in suppressing any dissent within his ranks capable of advising him when he is no longer acting in the country's best interest, and protecting himself from action against him. His use of "acting" Cabinet appointments is a way of protecting himself. He is an autocrat, who will try to stay in office and be propped up by his family and lackeys until he dies. This is the way of autocrats throughout the world.

My decision is for the people, for democracy, for the country, and for the world. Everything is at stake.


Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 2:19 pm

OH MY! I guess before any of us knew it, Shashi attended Medical School, did his residency at a nearby hospital, and became a Board Certified infectious disease physician. NICE!

Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 3:02 pm

David McGown wrote:Watch out, though, I believe one's perspective of what constitutes "fake news" depends on your trusted source of information. For me, "fake news" may be Fox or OAN. For you, it may be CNN, MSNBC.

Only an idiot would believe anything put out by ANY of the aforementioned "news" agencies...

Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 3:28 pm

[quote="David McGown”]

Biden represents my values and the direction I want for the country, Trump most vehemently does not. Period. I am decided and not subject to change, the issue is fundamental.


Perfect David. I appreciate your honesty and candidness on the subject.

As a Former big supporter of Bill Clinton, The Democratic Party of his era is dead. What we have now is a party of spineless politicians who bend over backwards to anti-nationals and rioting radicals.

Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 3:43 pm

...which fake news covers for.

Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 3:48 pm


I really do not pay much attention to any broadcast or cable news source. News is rarely presented with any depth, often as "infotainment", and does sensationalize, filter, opine, and slant the news to their prospective audience. There are exceptions, but alot of the content seems to be based on getting "experts" to battle each other or support the position being offered as fill for having news available 24 hours a day. There is legitimate criticism about the quality of the news presented. It was different a few decades before, where you broadcast 1 hour a day to present the news of the day, and there was considerable vetting, editing (and fairness doctrine) in play to ensure the news was presented with a high amount of veracity. I rely on traditional print (either paper or online), and online services and blogs that cover news events, some of which are not picked up by mass media. Are some biased...yes, but I get far more information in depth and can follow links to other information sources, magazine articles, etc. for additional information and discussion where news events are intelligently and thoughtfully presented.

But...How about them 845s (playfully changing the subject...please ignore).


Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 4:30 pm

The format of the media is irrevelant. If the magazine editor has the same ideology as the fake news media, there is no difference.

Re: COVID-19

July 17th, 2020, 10:48 pm

And politics are back -- and yet I got "spanked" for bringing politics into the blog. :angry-banghead:
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