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A loudpseaker for mono

April 29th, 2019, 6:49 pm

As Roscoe has suggested, I have resubmitted this in a separate topic.

I've been pondering the issue of the loudspeaker for a mono system, presumably placed in a corner. Back in the 50's, my father built a large bass reflex cabinet to house his Wharfedale 12" and that was what I first heard. Of course, the corner placement enhanced the bass and was somewhat out of the way which probably pleased my mother.

Moving on 60+ years, we now have stereo, we also value imaging and usually have taken to placing our speakers well away from room walls. Cabinet design has become more formula driven now that we know about QTS etc and we have access to computer tools that can predict frequency response and various anomalies.

My first question is whether a speaker that sounds good as a stereo pair still sound as good if placed in a corner.

Would mid-range and treble still be fine if positioned closer to the apex of the corner? Would early reflections be problematic?

Would bass become too emphasized?

I suppose the answer is to stick one of my loudspeakers in a corner and listen for myself. However since I live in a yurt shaped house, that is a bit tough.

I am not thinking of any particular loudspeaker. I'm just pondering the issue in general.


Re: A loudpseaker for mono

April 29th, 2019, 7:07 pm

Folded horn bass unit designed to be in the corner. Like the klipshorne

Re: A loudpseaker for mono

April 29th, 2019, 7:14 pm

Or a Tannoy Autograph.


My father had a friend who bought two of them for stereo and placed them out in the room instead of in the corners, which in his case would have been impossible. They never sounded 'right' to me.


Re: A loudpseaker for mono

April 29th, 2019, 9:51 pm

Many years ago, when I was a but a youth, my dad took me to a friend of his that had a pair of Klipshorns, the genuine articles. Records on shelves to the ceiling. We actually sat outside the room in the foyer to listen. I don't remember how it sounded, but I do remember that at the time I thought it was great. Stereo, I think, but mono from the listener's perspective. Not really a contribution to this thread, but very important for all of you to know. :mrgreen:

Re: A loudpseaker for mono

April 29th, 2019, 10:37 pm

Then there is Quad. The original was designed in 1954 when there was no stereo.
Ad Image Quad 57 ESL.jpg
Ad Image Quad 57 ESL.jpg (7.03 KiB) Viewed 11219 times
Ad Image 2 Quad 57 ESL.jpg
Ad Image 2 Quad 57 ESL.jpg (11.5 KiB) Viewed 11219 times

Re: A loudpseaker for mono

April 30th, 2019, 8:55 am

There is no reason a mono system speaker has to be corner loaded. It might not be practical to set up a room for corner loading, basic room setup might preclude this.

If a speaker designed for corner loading does not mesh well with a specific room and it's corners, setup options may be limited.

If I was building a mono system, I might design it around a speaker designed to work in the center of a flat wall.

Re: A loudpseaker for mono

April 30th, 2019, 9:02 am

If I was building a mono system I'd mute the left channel so I could hear just how glorious a mono system can be before going any farther. If it didn't seem as good as I expected I'd mute the right channel and try it with just the left speaker.

Re: A loudpseaker for mono

May 1st, 2019, 2:05 pm

Do we have a speaker worthy of being mono?

Re: A loudpseaker for mono

May 1st, 2019, 3:22 pm

I have Mono speaker with a built in amp from the 1950s it's Voice of Music brand

Re: A loudpseaker for mono

May 2nd, 2019, 12:16 am

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