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February 1st, 2018, 11:34 am

https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld ... 01510.html

Heck of a deal if you like Maggies...


Re: MG-IIs

February 1st, 2018, 3:41 pm

Most know I have maggy's. I rebuilt a pair of llla's five years ago. It's the dipole sound that I find pleasing. But my personal feeling the only good part of the Maggy is the ribbon tweeter. I think it's one of the best most natural tweeter around.
This Maggy II dose not use a ribbon for the tweeter.
If the wires are not separating from the Mylar (which I doubt) $175 is not a bad price. But if they were stored in a damp area you are looking at a mess. The glue that holds the aluminum wire to the Mylar dries out over times and small cracks develop and allow moisture to corrode the wires.

Re: MG-IIs

February 1st, 2018, 3:48 pm

Had a pair of MG-IIB's in the mid '80s. They liked biamping and a bit of EQ around 6-8KHz. They liked subs as well.

If the panels are good, would be interesting project to try them with Greg's DIY ribbons. He can make long ones.

Re: MG-IIs

February 1st, 2018, 4:01 pm

Pelliott321 wrote:The glue that holds the aluminum wire to the Mylar dries out over times and small cracks develop and allow moisture to corrode the wires.

Yeah. I had a buddy in Norfolk that had the Al. tweeter wire get badly corroded. We replaced the wire with enameled copper wire, last I knew he was still using them...


Re: MG-IIs

February 1st, 2018, 4:40 pm

When I rebuilt mine the first time I used the rebuild kit from Magnepan. It was very troublesome. I used them that way for a couple of years then I found out it only cost $20 plus shipping for Magnepan to do it at the factory. So I built a crate just for the metal panels and let them do it. I just thought that they used a lot less glue and there for a lot less mass on the mylar.
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