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Re: New Cartridge brake-in deadly

Posted: January 28th, 2018, 5:40 pm
by tomp
Cool video. Really shows what is going on. Lots of schmutz on the record also.

Re: New Cartridge brake-in deadly

Posted: January 28th, 2018, 5:51 pm
by J-ROB
Nice job on that brass weight!

Shoot for 9-12hz resonance, lower is better than higher but the ears must provide the final judgement. Wild oscillations at the resonant freq are not good.

Presumably splitting the difference to ~10hz would give moderate oscillations and hopefully more open sound. At least you will know that the arm/cart combo is happy.

With a heavier arm, that weight would probably be perfect but you have to adjust for the conditions at hand.

Re: New Cartridge brake-in deadly

Posted: January 29th, 2018, 6:28 am
by Pelliott321
Thanks guys
It took way too long to make that brass weight. Screws for cartridge had to be counter sunk with a flat bottom. Screw hole for arm mount had to be m3.50. This I all way smaller than I am use to and my shop is set up for wood working not this small stuff.
Need to listen more and tweak arm adjustments before I make a 2gr lighter mount, but I suspect that is where it will end up