I know this is understood by the experienced DIY'ers, but was trying to explain to a relative NOOB why using a LM417HV in a bias circuit was a bad idea. The attached figure I drew up illustrates the problem. Please ignore the bad operating point I chose (above the plate dissipation limit), it was purely for purposes of discussion.
In this particular example, an increase in line voltage from 117V to 125V (a 7% change), produces a 48% increase in plate current with a regulated fixed bias, whereas with a filtered bias supply (floating with voltage changes), there is an 18% increase in plate current. Obviously, you would not expect to see a 7% variance in voltage, but is not unusual to see fluctuations of 2 or 3 volts depending on the time of day and load. Regulated bias will result is a pretty significant change in operating characteristics.
So don't regulate bias, but build a well filtered bias supply.