[quote="dberning"]Some of those in the DIY group already know about me having made an indoor bicycle trainer that generates the electricity needed to run an audio system. I have recently changed the system from CD based to LP. And with this I needed a new amplifier with phono. So I thought I would share this amusement with the rest of the group. First and foremost to anyone who thinks they are paying too much for power, they should try to generate their own power. Believe me, for the amount of power you get for pennies you will have to work really hard if you had to generate that with your own body. I summarize the components that I have made with a series of pictures. To run this system I need to supply an average of 60 watts going into the inverter. There are additional losses not counted here in the generator and mechanical chain linkages that my legs need to generate. I would estimate these additional losses at around 20% of the power delivered.
To complete the "full on" DIY project how about incorporating your scratch-made tape recorder? That way I run a referendum to have you voted as the ultimate DIY hobbyist second to none.