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Down time...

September 11th, 2023, 1:44 pm

Sorry about the down time this past weekend. Took a lightning hit Friday night which fried the cable modem & WiFI router (and a few other things that don't affect the forum).... Should be back up and running normally by now.


Re: Down time...

September 11th, 2023, 2:46 pm

You might want to consider one of these:

https://www.amazon.com/CHSPT2ULTRA-Ulti ... OP7VOU35ID

I have one on each load center in my house and have had no problems yet. Nothing will help a direct strike, but this will help with induced voltages.

Re: Down time...

September 11th, 2023, 3:00 pm

I'm pretty sure this one came in over the cable internet...


Re: Down time...

September 11th, 2023, 3:36 pm

You don't have optical fiber going into the house?

Re: Down time...

September 11th, 2023, 3:58 pm

Those aren't the 'droids you're looking for.

Try these for network protection.

https://www.diteksurgeprotection.com/pr ... protection

Ditek also makes superb powerline protection as well.

https://www.diteksurgeprotection.com/pr ... protection

We have had excellent results with their products.

Re: Down time...

September 12th, 2023, 10:41 am

fe3c3823fbf8b514f75784c0cf4e9fde.png (72.52 KiB) Viewed 27677 times

POE goes over pins 4,5,7,8
I do not think the suggested Ethernet surge protectors would have helped Roscoe.
The spike that killed his equipment probably came over the other conductors

Re: Down time...

September 12th, 2023, 10:56 am

Pelliott321 wrote:

POE goes over pins 4,5,7,8
I do not think the suggested Ethernet surge protectors would have helped Roscoe.
The spike that killed his equipment probably came over the other conductors

Here is the thing -- and what I advised clients -- lightning "marches to the tune of its own drummer." We're talking about outrageously high voltages and they "look" for a place to enter ground.

High voltages follow a different set of "rules." Keep in that only a mere 10,000-volts will jump over a 1/4" gap. Lightning is in the million-volts range.

Full protection involves surge protection on your electric service entrance, any branch circuits exposed to the outdoors like roadway lighting and the like -- as well telephone and cable service entrances.

It's not cheap but can be worth it depending on one's exposure.

Re: Down time...

September 12th, 2023, 10:59 am

brombo wrote:You don't have optical fiber going into the house?

Out in my neck of the woods, optical fiber is only something people have heard about, no one has actually ever seen it ;)


Re: Down time...

September 12th, 2023, 11:32 am

Roscoe Primrose wrote:
brombo wrote:You don't have optical fiber going into the house?

Out in my neck of the woods, optical fiber is only something people have heard about, no one has actually ever seen it ;)


Money talks and bullshit walks. Verizon forced fiber on this neighborhood and only half of the houses signed on and the lot concentration is about one home every 1/4-acre.

I am surprised you have cable. If Eastern Shore farms don't have a satellite down-link they have squat. It's a cell phone or nothing.

Re: Down time...

September 12th, 2023, 12:44 pm

SoundMods wrote:
I am surprised you have cable. If Eastern Shore farms don't have a satellite down-link they have squat. It's a cell phone or nothing.

I've only had cable for about 4 years, and I had to talk to Comcast Business, and sign a two-year contract, to get them to build from the end of the driveway to the house....

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