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Phono Cartridge Response Measurement Script http://dcaudiodiy.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2220 |
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Author: | cport [ March 25th, 2023, 3:56 pm ] | ||
Post subject: | Phono Cartridge Response Measurement Script | ||
In case you guys have not seen this, there is an interesting thread on ASR [www.audiosciencereview.com] that shows the development of a python script to graph/plot the frequency response of a phono-cartridge: Phono Cartridge Response Measurement Script [PAGE 3 -- where author says he will update] It was designed around the JVC TRS-1007 Test Record, but has been expanded to use the CBS STR100 test record as well, and soon others. So you play your frequency sweep, capture it (sampled) to a *.wav file, edit the *.wav file to "start on signal" (aka=do not start on [zero] no signal) then, run the python3 script against it [hopefully using an Ubuntu or other LINUX (hint: https://www.virtualbox.org/) distribution running on your desktop, as python and Windoz are "difficult"] , and out pops an image [*.png] If JP (assumed to be John P. Jones III [JP] of Fidelis Analog) gets the cross-talk analysis portion done and reliable, this will become a very useful tool for verification of cartridge setup.
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